I like to read the news on KSL sometimes and i came across this news article.
It ripped me apart.
It brought me back to when Cash was burned and was in the hospital for 3 days.
It made me feel like the worst mom in the world for not always staying right in bathroom when my boys are bathing.
A Provo mom was tending to some household chores and her sick son when her 4 year old yelled "mom he has drowned" She came running and he was limp and cold. SHe did CPR and there the story begin. Now 12 days later she has a second chance with her son. (read her blog it incredible)
Life is so fragile and I want to take back all the bad things I have done like leaving my boys in the bath room while i fold clothes in my bed room.
You never know if something like this would happen. Just like how fast Cash was severely burned by hot sauce out of a crock pot and he was just a few steps away from me.
I love my boys so so much...its late and i am tempted to get them out of bed and have them sleep with me. I just want to hold them and embrace them and thank my heavenly father for sending them to me. I am so blessed.
Bryan isn't home tonight. I wish he was.
Read this it was sure a wake up call!
I read this blog a couple days ago as well...I was definitely in a numb state while reading it...I couldn't even imagine..makes you hug your kids a little tighter doesn't it :)
I read her blog last night too! I just sat there and cried while I was reading it! Definitely makes you stop and think how important your family is! Hope you guys are doing well! I haven't talked to you forever!
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