Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas! the words wont show up???

The holidays came and went so fast and I am glad they are over. I can not begin to express how wonderful this little town I live in is. We had meals brought to us for about 2 weeks straight when we got home from the hospital. It was so nice to relax and not have to worry, I did however have to clean my house every day but for the awesome food it was worth it. Well here is a picture of hap in the laundry basket because this little guy doesn't want me to put him down. He cries until I hold him! I love it however i don't get anything done!
My dad, AKA grandpa scratchy spent a few days with us. He usually stops by on his way home from Vegas and work. This time he came for 2 weekends. I really love my dad..he is always willing to help! Love ya dad. Hap slept on my dad for about 3 hours. It was so nice to get something done while he slept.

Christmas morning. We stayed home and enjoyed Christmas with our little family.

I think we totally got the wrong presents this year because 50 percent of them are already broken. these guys are hard on stuff. They broke both of the remote control cars the second day! These make a huge mess but they seem to like this moon sand crap.

Christmas eve. We were home this year and taught the boys about baby Jesus. I had a nativity scene that i hadn't put up so we got it out and tried to explain it to them. I am not really sure if they got it. They just wanted to set everything up and not listen to what mom and dad had to say.
This is Port in his new jammies

Cash and jammies....train your dragon is his favorite!

Bryan made a snow fort just for when grandpa pulled in so the boys could hit him with snowballs. Grandpa got out and threw them right back at them.

Kinda out of order but Britt and Adam came down the weekend before Christmas and cooked us dinner. They make a great pair of cookers and man there food was so good. We love you guys. Thanks for all you do for us. They are so good with my boys. i think they will make great parents some day! :)
All in all the seasons have come and gone and I hope that 2011 is a better year! Thanks to everyone who made the holidays great!

2 comments: said...

Crystal, congrats on your little one... he's a cutie. since your having all boys and i'm having all girls, maybe we could set them up?

Cyndi said...

Looks like you guys had a GREAT Christmas!